The Crazies website

On this website i found the typography very realavent to our genre 'Slasher'. one point of the typography on this website that specifically caught my eye was the'help us' written on the road sign, it is in a very scratchy text and on in a very dark red like blood. We could include a text like this in our media production because it can be very easy to do and very effective. The points of the text are sharp and pointed creating  chilling feel when its read showing that it is a succsesful piece of typography.
Here you can see the link labelled 'Feature' after you click on it with the mouse as it isinteresting and creative beacuse it shakes about before turning red like in the picture below. If we could incorperate something like this into our media production this would make it a lot more interesting and would attract the viewer in a better beneficial way. 

Here is the transition between screens once you have clicked on a link. It is hard to work out what it is but it keeps the veiwer interested inbetween the transition therefor keeping all the attention on the screen making this an effective succesful website.


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