Production Logos

I researched various production logos, such as Lionsgate Entertainment, Warner brothers, Columbia production, and Paramount pictures. Rather than looking for a production logo that was generic I looked for logos which had been edited to suit a horror film. E.g. A Walt Disney pictures production logo   wouldn’t be appropriate for a film such as Nightmare on Elm Street.                    A production logo which came up perfect for a slasher horror film was Lionsgate.                                       .
The Lionsgate production logo starts off with a panning shot of industrial cogs, it then zooms out through a lock on a door, the doors then swing open and the Lionsgate logo appears behind the door. The background against the Lionsgate logo is almost as if you where entering into another realm and the atmosphere building up throughout the sequence sets the tone for that realm.  Throughout the sequence there is low profile lighting and orange lighting has been used to help set a horrific atmosphere .


Websites are judged in 5 catagories:
  1. Functionality.
  2. Design
  3. Content
  4. Origanality
  5. Overall effectiveness
1. Functionality is access, target audience, speed, legality.

2. Design is typography, artistry, user friendlyness, clarity and aesthetics.

3. Context is purpose, information, verbal expression, attention to detail.

4. Originality is animation, quality of predicted search, distinctiveness (what you last remember?)

5. Overall effectiveness is how effective it is as a whole.

When creating a website you need to focus on the main content of the website. Elimenate any unnescerssary links/information. Make sure everything you do has a purpose and is deliberate.

Predators Website Deconstruction

On the Predators website the background has been taken from a scene within the film, this helps set an expectation for the audience; what type genre to expect. The characters in the background are all wielding heavy guns which make them appear highly masculine, this is also supported by the fact that they are all wearing army uniforms; they are standing as if they are being hunted by something as they are all looking all over the place.The main selling point is clearly the predators DVD and blue ray, the character on the far right has his gun positioning down towards the text which states own it now on blu-ray and DVD using this presentational device helps draws attention to the advertisement text.The colour scheme is red, black and white which has connotations of gothic horror, which adds the effect of the website.

The Predators iPhone app is also a selling point; the availability of it is wide amongst the apple products which support it. The page for advertising it has a simple a colour scheme and isn’t overcrowded, which could suggest the application is straight forward and easy to use appealing to a mass audience.

SAW 4 Teaser Trailer Deconstruction

The saw teaser trailer opens in a dark isolated room, with a green filter over the lens to help create mystery and also too add an eiree effect to the scene, there is also  low profile lighting to help add to the horror effect. The words “on October 26th” is shown across the screen, the words are white against a plain background, which focuses the reader’s attention on the text as there is nothing to distract the audience.                                                                                                                                      After this scene, clips from the film are projected onto a brick wall this is effective as you don’t see the scenes directly which gives the effect of isolation and secrecy, the light rays from the projector can be seen which makes the audience feel that they are put in a position to watch people suffering at someone else’s expense, which is key to the saw films. The pace and the length of the clips suggest that the film is fast paced which starts drawing in a target audience for the film. Also with the length of the scenes being short not too much of the plot is given away, which is vital in a teaser trailer. One of the clips projected onto the wall is a clip of the jigsaw mask which is iconic to the saw films, this tells the audience to expect the classic convections of the previous saw films.  There is intense music in the background which helps with the overall flow of the teaser trailer.
Towards the end of the teaser trailer there is a voice over which prepares the audience to expect the generic conventions of the saw films.

The Crazies website

On this website i found the typography very realavent to our genre 'Slasher'. one point of the typography on this website that specifically caught my eye was the'help us' written on the road sign, it is in a very scratchy text and on in a very dark red like blood. We could include a text like this in our media production because it can be very easy to do and very effective. The points of the text are sharp and pointed creating  chilling feel when its read showing that it is a succsesful piece of typography.
Here you can see the link labelled 'Feature' after you click on it with the mouse as it isinteresting and creative beacuse it shakes about before turning red like in the picture below. If we could incorperate something like this into our media production this would make it a lot more interesting and would attract the viewer in a better beneficial way. 

Here is the transition between screens once you have clicked on a link. It is hard to work out what it is but it keeps the veiwer interested inbetween the transition therefor keeping all the attention on the screen making this an effective succesful website.


1day website deconstruction

The enter screen for the 1day website highlights that the film has connetations of high forms  aggression. The main central figure focuses the audiences attention and also to text , which also lays in the centre of the page. The colour sheme is mainly black and orange , the use of the colour orange against the black background represents the intensity of the poster. The overall colour scheme is kept simple with black and white in most of the poster this could represent that the film takes place in an everyday setting.

The main page for the 1day website advertises the varity of media that it uses such as mp3s, downloadables etc which engages the auidence and attract an auidence.The facebook logo in the left hand corner shows how uptodate with technology they are and also helps build up a customer base.

Meat Cleaver Images


This is the meat cleaver that we have got to use in our media production. It is perfect for what we are trying to archieve because it will be easy to reflect light off of although trying to get an image of the gas maks may be cfhallenging.

As you can see from this picture the knife picks the light up well. In the actual media production this knife will be effective because it looks very sharp and deadly to the bare flesh. You can see a clear image of this causing a lot of damage to ahuman being.


Typography is not just lettering written down. It is lettering that has been drawn in a certeain way, commonly used in posters and websites in the media industry.
In typography you get lettering that has a serif or sans-serif which doesnt have a sreif for example in the picture below.
With typography you have to focus on the image created so you have to think carefully about the choice of colour, style, clarity, mood created, size and shape .i.e. a smaller font would draw the viewer into the image.
Typography can also be used as a brand in a way, symbolising a film or a company. You can see this in magazines such as Total Film and Empire as they always have the same typograohy positioned in the same place almost symbolising the magazine. This is how you can link typography from a film trailer to a poster and website succsesfully.
It is here when you can include the colour schemes reflecting a genre and create very strong moods and feelings from film posters.

Casino Royale Website

 On this James Bond Casino Royale website i become fond of the layout. I was interested into the way you are made to feel like you are playing poker against Bond but choosing from the links which are poker chips and cards, also aspects to the game.The fact that it is all very classy looking shows strong connotations to a Bond film which would inspire our website to be very clear in its connotations.

In this screenshot you can see that when you hover over an object with the mouse a blue link bar appears with text. In this case it is the card that is highlighted and as you can see in the screen shot it lifts up giving the audience a feel of interactiveness.The website also takes up the whole screen keeping the viewer focused on the links and being fully enticed into the screen. Another feature on this website is when you move the mouse over the text it scatters into a mix of different random letters before one by one re spelling out the original word. I find this inspiring because it keeps the viewer completely interactive with the website.