Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Teaser


The teaser trailer starts off with a black screen with the viewing age 'no one under 17 permitted to view' suggesting the film is very graphic, but also stating its target audience 17+.
The non diagetic sound of the narrator then interrupts the silence to describe the re appearance of the killer. After that an ere sound is played through out the trailer that helps to create that uncomforting atmosphere.
The shot then shows a close up of something but it is too close to work out what the camera is focusing on but it is clear what ever it is its metallic. The lighting is very dim and works well with the little light there is on these shiny metal objects creating a very cold and heartless feel for the audience watching.
It then shows a cogg with very pointed teeth that look almost like sharp teeth. This makes the audience feel intimidated and guessing it is off of the chainsaw.
The shot then changes and it shows oil being dripped onto a greasy piece of machinery which can only be assumed is the chainsaw once again.
The next shot then confirms to the viewer the shots are of a chainsaw as you can see the links and teeth of the chain on the saw in the dimly lit light that is provided.
The ere droning sound soon becomes more apparent and the narrator then quotes 'Now after more than a decade, he comes out of hiding.'
You then hear the sound of a door being slammed open onto something with a female screaming and the distinguished noise of a chainsaw revving. On screen you see the killer burst out of a door scaring a female whilst holding the chainsaw above his head.
The killer in this shot is wearing a mucky apron with what looks like a mixture of grease, oil and dries blood on it. this shows the audience how scummy and dirty this killer is creating this tramp look.
Throughout the shots it looks like the film is shot in an underground area, similar to a mine layout with support beams around the walls and ceiling. The next shot you see is with the killer standing on a moving car leaning across to try and cut the victims. The editing used in this shot is shown where there are sparks flying up from the chainsaw and where the actor playing the killer was able to lean across stably.
The shot following is the killer cutting through the roof of the victims car while the canvas of the roof rips open revealing the killers daunting mask. The diagetic sound of a scream followed by the firing noise of the credits ends the trailer as a whole leaving the viewer reminiscent of that last sound heard.
The typeface of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2' is in a very slashed and rugged font still implying these slasher conventions.
This is where the narrator picks up stating the title and the well known director 'Tobe Hooper'

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