Questionnaire Results

Here are the results from our questionnaire posted, the results shown influenced our final
media product;
we questioned 40 people

1) Are you male or female
Male                                     16
Female                                 24
2) How old are you?
16-19                                   40
3) Do you think age is an important factor in horror films?
Yes                                      35
No                                        5
4) What locations do you associate with slasher horror films?
here are a few sample answers which where given;
Isolated houses (haunted)
5) Does a sense of isolation help create the element of fear?
Yes                                   40
No                                     0
6) Which settings would you associate with the feeling of isolation?
here are a few given sample answers;
A Dark room
7) In slasher films a convention is mask or hidden identity,
what type of mask would help create a sense of horror?
here are a few sample answers;
Gas mask
Hockey mask
Hat / Hoody
8) What elements do you think make a slasher film?
here are a few sample answers given;
Sense of innosense
Young Victims
Isolated location
9) How many horror films have you seen in the last month?
 0-5                                   37
 06-11                                0
 12 - 17


The results from the questionnaire told us that the most effective mask to use for the villain is a gas mask, when questioned “In slasher films a convention is mask or hidden identity, what type of mask would help create a sense of horror?” 17 people said gas mask followed by hockey mask.  We then researched various forms of gas masks and then decided to use a gas mask from world war two this also helped set our narrative plot.
When questioned “Do you think age is an important factor in horror films?”35 out of 40 people answered yes; from this we decided to use victims similar to the target audience’s age so they can relate to the victims easier and help create a detailed sense of sympathy.
“Does a sense of isolation help create the element of fear?” 100% answered yes, we knew from this that isolation would be a key element in our film and made effective by combing this with the villain. We carried this out by the use of camera shots, framing and lighting, we used a mid shot to frame the villain in the centre of the screen and dark lighting so that the main focus is on the villain, both of these combined helped create an effective sense of isolation.

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