How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research and planning and evealuation stages?

Throughout the duration of our project we used questionnaires created on survey monkey to research into our audience and to create a media product that will be successful appeal to our selected audience.
Blogger allowed us to post our work online to monitor group progress successfully by allowing us to add and edit posts daily enabling us to plan effectively. Blogger also allowed us to track our progress as we progressed through the project showing us what aspects we needed to research further into if that was needed.

Within our media project we used the Imovie11 editing software to construct our teaser trailer, this allowed us to use filters over our footage that were relevant to our genre such as a blue filter to reflect the coldness of the killer. We used transitions for continuity and black and white tints to show future scenes where the victims murdered, therefore conforming to the conventions of a slasher movie. (46 seconds in).
We used a variety of YouTube clips to make the narrative more obvious and to give clear connotations of war, we selected our iconic war clips to help show this. We used the, at the start of the trailer so the connotations are the first thing the audience see’s helping the flow of the trailer.

We also used the garage band software to find a great drumming sound for our teaser trailer. Garage Band allowed us to edit and distort sound, speed it up and slow it down so we could effectively add o soundtrack into our teaser trailer. You can find this drumming sound at the end of the trailer were we built up tension to make a climatic point in our teaser trailer.(1 minute 2 seconds in).

Digital technology allowed us to research into lighting by enabling us access to the internet. To research into lighting we watched ‘How to’ videos on YouTube such as, ‘how to effectively use lighting in a media production’. We could also look into other film websites to inspire our own by looking at the use of transitions between 2 different screens and drop down menu bars. This helped our research within making a media production because we could then take these effective ways of capturing an audience’s attention on a website and incorporate them into our own product.


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