Font ideas for Poster/Teaser trailer

Theses are a few of the fonts that we have considered using. Some of them show up all blured on the macs so we had to choose a vaariation so that we can try and see which one looks the best on the mac as well as our poster.

Tag line

When i was researching our film name i came across the word 'company', another word for the army, which inspired the thought of a tag line 'youve got company'. After giving the line a bit more thought we agreed on adding in an extra part making it 'You know when youve got company'. we agreed this was a good tag line and we liked how well it had a connotation to the army.

Poster Idea

Name Ideas/ Agent Fifteen

When researching a name for our film we came across the name blood agent, which is a toxic chemical agent used in warfare, this is highly relevant to our plot whilst creating an ominous effect, we researched further and came across the name agent fifteen. In February 1998, the British Ministry of Defence released an intelligence report that accused Iraq of having stockpiled large amounts of a glycolate anticholinergic incapacitating agent known as Agent 15.  The chemical agent 15 is an incapacitating agent which was widely used in chemical warfare, and when used in large quantities can lead to death but when used in small quantities can lead to Mydriasis, Blurred vision Dry mouth, skin, Initially rapid heart rate declining to normal or slow heart rate over time and Possible flushing of the skin. With the use of a gas mask for our main villain this has connotations of war which links the Title in with the plot.

How to do it?

Here is a 'How to' video that i used to help me try and create a website for our teaser trailer. It helped me to decide that dreamweaver was very time consuming and quite complicated, which isnt very fitting whith the time i have got.

Poster Edit 1

This our first edit of our poster image. I have chosen an army looking font but i am not too sure how well it works. There are some other fonts yet to try out for this though.

Poster image idea

This is one of the gas mask images we have decided that we could use. We have chosen this image because we feel it is very powerful through its vibrant red and deep black colours of the picture. This could potentially be a successful image for our poster.